Kinoton installs the new innovative CineSmart® automation system in Rheinfelden: a significant step towards full automation on a new level.

The CineSmart® automation system is a Kinoton innovation and offers a comprehensive range of new features and benefits. Cinemas can now use CineSmart® to further automate their operations, optimise them and make them more efficient while saving on electricity costs. The system enables intelligent centralised control of all cinema equipment from the mains power, with simultaneous monitoring.

The CineSmart® automation solution offers numerous advantages for cinemas:

1. increased efficiency: CineSmart® eliminates manual operations such as switching equipment and components on and off by hand, resulting in more efficient tasks. Workflows can be completed faster, increasing overall performance and productivity.

2. cost savings: By using CineSmart®, electricity costs are reduced as equipment is automatically turned on and off at the exact times it is needed.

3. Improved accuracy and quality: Full automation reduces human error and ensures consistent high quality in the execution of a controlled ramp-up and ramp-down of equipment. CineSmart® automation controls precisely and consistently.

4. time saving: CineSmart® reduces the time needed to perform routine tasks. This allows cinema oprerators to focus their staff on productive tasks and developing the business, rather than wasting time on repetitive or time-consuming tasks.

5. intelligence: at a time when qualified personnel are less and less available for cinema operations or frequent staff changes are the rule, CineSmart® supports the daily routine with intelligent monitoring of the systems so that the processes in the company keep running, problems are detected more quickly and operating errors are prevented.

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